Best Divinity Original Sin 2 Mods

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Divinity: Original Sin 2 is one of the best RPGs ever released, but the game’s length and slow pacing can make subsequent playthroughs feel very daunting, especially once a fan is familiar with the game’s content. Luckily, that is where mods and community content come in to save the day. There is a healthy number of mods available for Original Sin 2, so I wanted to help filter them down to my absolute favorites for any fans looking for a more condensed library to pick from. However, I also want to note that many of the game’s most popular mods were added to the game as gift bags. So, I will not be included any mods that are covered by the gift bags in the game’s definitive edition.

How to Mod Divinity: Original Sin 2


Before looking at the mods themselves it is important to know what actually to do with them to get them to work. I recommend using Nexus Mods to get all of your mods because it is a trusted source for files. So, all of the mods below will provide links to their page on Nexus Mods.

Once you have a mod downloaded it can only be installed once it is extracted out of its compressed folder. Inside of the un-compressed folder you’ll find the file of the mod, which then needs to be dragged into the Mods folder inside your game’s files.

If you are not comfortable installing the mods manually you can also install Nexus Mod’s Mod manager application which will do most of the work for you. Otherwise, some of the mods below can also be found on the Steam Workshop.

If you do plan on using mods, however, you should know that the game’s achievements will be disabled while they are active, regardless of what the mods do. If you want to use mods and still earn achievements you can download a mod that re-enables them here.

Selection Criteria

As I mentioned above, for this list I am not going to include any mods that have become redundant thanks to the official Gift Bags released for the game. This prevents some of the most popular mods from when the game first released from being considered, such as one that allowed the player to respec their characters in Fort Joy or made Pet Pal a free universal talent.

With that in mind, I tried to offer a representative mix of mods for this list. Original Sin 2 doesn’t really have content mods like one can find for Elder Scrolls or Fallout titles, so I instead tried to provide the best examples for new classes, control options, and gameplay tweaks. I also have avoided including any that are too similar to one another. So, if one mod makes changes to the game’s crafting systems, for example, none of the other mods on the list will do so. This is because the one I have included is the best in my opinion.

When it comes to class mods I’ve attempted to find the ones that I think fit the best in the game or offer unique gameplay experiences. Each one on the list stand out from the others with a unique idea while giving players a new way to approach combat and party compositions.

Cheat Commander

Cheat Commander

This mod is a must-download for any experienced players that are looking to experiment or play around in a playthrough. It gives players access to a window that can be used to tweak various elements of the playthrough at any time.

The mod can be used to spawn items like lockpicks, increase the levels of characters, or spawn complete sets of strong gear, for example. This is particularly useful for players that want to test new builds or party compositions. Using this mod can save the player from having to reach the late stages of a playthrough to complete and test out their builds, so using it can save a player literally dozens of hours with ease.

HQ World and Icons

HQ World and Icons

This mod is a visual overhaul for the game world of Original Sin 2. It replaces most of the game’s textures and increases the size of various others, making the world look much more beautiful. The creator released a similar mod for the first game, and this mod for the second game is one that I never play without.

HQ World and Icons also replace the icons for common items like elemental arrows, health potions, etc. While these changes are welcome visually, they also make the icons stand out more from one another, making it easier to quickly assess one’s hotbar and decipher what is all available to them for use that turn.

Fast Run Speed

Fast Run speed

I cannot play without this mod anymore. Navigating the world in Original Sin 2 can be painfully slow, especially when it comes to subsequent playthroughs where there isn’t as much of a sense of exploration and discovery to make it more engaging. That is where Bardblue’s mod comes in to make your character pick up the pace a bit as they trudge through the world. It may seem like a minor change, but it is such a natural and impactful change that I wish it had been included in a Gift Bag so that I could play Original Sin 2 on my consoles again.

Character Creation Plus

Character Creation Plus

Divinity: Original Sin 2 gives players an impressive amount of options when it comes to giving them their own personalities and preferences to roleplay with throughout a playthrough. However, the character creation can be found lacking when it comes to visual options.

The Character Creation Plus mod can help alleviate this issue by adding an extensive array of new customization options that also feature entirely new models. The sheer variety of options added with the mod is very impressive. Some of the options it adds are a bit strange and don’t quite fit in with the game’s visual identity, but that is mostly an issue of personal preference. Even if you don’t like everything added with the mod, however, there are so many options that you’ll doubtlessly find some options that tickle your fancy.

Expanded Party Size

Expanded Party Size

If you plan on using this mod I highly recommend starting a new game to do so, as it introduces complications to existing save files. This mod does exactly what its title implies and allows players to bring more than four characters with them at a time. However, the mod does not change combat encounters to reflect the size of the player’s party. So, I usually use this just to test out crazy party combinations or to play on higher difficulties in a different way. This mod can also be used to play with more than four players in a single game, although it introduces some negligible dialogue issues.

Crafting Overhaul

Crafting Overhaul

Crafting is one mechanic in Original Sin 2 that I never felt like I got enough use out of. That was, at least, until I installed this mod. Crafting Overhaul from Elvasat adds an incredible number of new crafting recipes to the game, including many new options like dying your armor or making melee weapons that deal elemental damage.

Crafting Overhaul also comes with numerous quality of life improvements. These include items to help organize your inventory, portable crafting stations so that you can always make what you want, as well as craftable barrels so that you always have one available when you need it.

Void Knight Class

Void Knight Class

The Void Knight is one of my all-time favorite mod classes in either Original Sin game. This is because it is well-balanced enough to feel right at home in the game, while also adding a bevy of unique skills to make it feel fresh and exciting. It even populates the world with merchants that trade in the class’ skills to preserve the base game’s progression systems. The class is also very visually stunning due to its dragon form ability, while also adding an interesting foil to combat encounters that can mix-up how you approach the entire game.



Greed is a loot overhaul mod that increases the variety of items that players can expect to find on their adventure. This is my favorite loot overhaul mod, however, because it doesn’t just add useless items to the fold, but adds new modifiers and effects to appear on equipment. This serves the double purpose of making loot more varied and exciting as well as giving players more to experiment and work with when building up their party and experimenting with builds.

Greed’s new effects are primarily focused on weapons, but it also includes plenty of new options for armor, amulets, and rings as well. My favorite of the new effects are the ones that decrease the wielder’s AP costs, but there are many other great ones like positive buffs when equipped, range modifiers, and even randomized names for epic and legendary gear.



Transmogrification has become a common mechanic in games that feature players frequently swapping out armor. For those who don’t know, the mechanic allows players to change the appearance of their gear to other items that they have gotten before. This allows players to make sure their characters look how they want while still having gear that has desireable stats. This mechanic is unfortunately absent in the base version of Original Sin 2, but the Vanity mod adds it in a very organic way that feels like it was included the whole time.

Combat Sneak

Combat Sneak

One of the worst parts of combat for stealth-focused characters is how expensive it is to sneak while in combat. The action costs a ridiculous four AP, making it so that Rogues and Shadowblades might as well not even try to enter stealth once combat starts. This leaves them to instead start combat with one big attack from stealth before having to enter the fight like a less-stealthy character.

The Combat Sneak mod tries to fix this issue by halving the AP cost to sneak while in combat. This change seems minor, but makes it much more viable to repeatedly sneak while in combat to ambush and deal more damage to unsuspecting enemies. This makes it a must-have for players that enjoy taking stealthy approaches to combat or who want to play Rogues and Shadowblades in the way that one would assume they should be played.

More Monsters’ Spawns

More Monsters' Spawns

This mod is for any players who have mastered the combat in Original Sin 2 and are looking for things to be refreshed and more challenging. It adds more spawns to literally every combat encounter throughout the game. This pushes players to approach combat in a more tentative way because their party will be severely outnumbered in all situations. This mod also works very well with the Expanded Party Size mod above, as it counteracts the increased size of the player’s party at least slightly.

HQ Creature

HQ Creature

The HQ Creature mod touches up more than 100 textures to add more vibrancy and detail to the various beasts and monsters that players can expect to face throughout their journey. The changes made to the models are universally excellent. They give their models more character to help them stand out from the environment as well as one another while also making them look more frightening when appropriate.

Spectre Class

Spectre Class

This custom class from Odinblade is a very interesting one because of the unique approach to combat that it introduces to the game. It uses new soul magic skills that allow it to damage enemies with effects that deal damage over time and ignore a portion of their resistances. However, for the class to work to its utmost potential it also much use its soul magic to weaken parts of itself to strengthen others.

I love this class because of this original approach to power and adds an interesting layer to combat for one character. The class’ soul magic and flavor also fits very well into the world of Original Sin 2. This helps it be a great addition to the title regardless of which aspect of the game is your favorite.

Bard and Artificer Skillpack

Bard and Artificer Skillpack

If you don’t want to install an entirely new class but want to mix up your builds and options a bit for your next playthrough, this mod is the best one to download. It adds over 50 new skills that are themed around class archetypes like the Bard, Barbarian, Monk, and Artificer. It is an incredible new spread of options that include numerous new mechanics and ideas for the game. The skills are also of a very high quality, allowing them to work well as both standalone classes and augment skills like Polymorph.

Umbra Class

Umbra Class

Odinblade’s Umbra mod class is a stealth-focused addition that puts a focus on adaptability when it comes to countering enemy forces. They are able to do this by switching between two forms that determine whether they deal physical or magical damage. The class comes with around 30 of new spells that help it feel like a brand new addition to the player’s options during combat. Pair this with the Combat Sneak mod above, and you’ll have a new class that can sneak and slay throughout the battlefield better than any other.

Druid Class

Druid Class

Creator: Switch

Link: Nexus Mods

Druids are a staple in fantasy series like Dungeons and Dragons, and for good reason. They are an interesting concept that draw their power from nature, allowing them to take the form of a range of creatures to augment their abilities in combat.

This is no different for this mod’s version of the Druid class. The mod comes with 21 different forms for players to transform into with each one coming with a different set of skills and abilities. There are some options that are more useful or amusing than others, but they all coalesce to be an incredible class with a ton of variety and player decision making. The mod also adds vendors to the world to buy the class’ skills, which is always a great touch for class mods to feel more at home in the game.


Question: Are there mods for Divinity: Original Sin 2?

Answer: There are a ton of mods available for Original Sin 2 that provide visual overhauls or tweak elements of the game and add new classes. However, the game does not have very many content mods that add new quests, regions, or experiences.

Question: What is the best way to install mods in Divinity: Original Sin 2?

Answer: The easiest ways to download mods for Original Sin 2 is either using the Steam Workshop option if you have the game on Steam or using the mod manager available from Nexus Mods.

Question: Can you romance characters in Divinity: Original Sin 2?

Answer: Players are able to romance characters throughout the game, including the main members of their party.


Mods can work absolute miracles when it comes to extending the life of non-multiplayer games. While the mods for Original Sin 2 aren’t as massive or prevalent as for games like Skyrim, they still offer a ton of new options for players to customize their experience and mix things up for themselves. So, if you’ve played through the game and enjoyed it, it is the perfect time to grab some mods and make another run through.

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